172 research outputs found

    Phase retrieval tomography in the presence of noise

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    We describe the use of single-plane phase retrieval tomography using a laboratory-based x-ray source, under conditions where the retrieval is not formally valid, to present images of the internal structure of an Aerosil granule and a hydrated bentonite gel. The technique provides phase images for samples that interact weakly with the x-ray beam. As the method is less affected by noise than an alternative two-plane phase retrieval method that is otherwise formally valid, object structure can be observed that would not otherwise be seen. We demonstrate our results for phase imaging in tomographic measurements

    4U2206+54 - an Unusual High Mass X-ray Binary with a 9.6 Day Orbital Period but No Strong Pulsations

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    Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer All-Sky Monitor observations of the X-ray source 4U2206+54, previously proposed to be a Be star system, show the X-ray flux to be modulated with a period of approximately 9.6 days. If the modulation is due to orbital variability then this would be one of the shortest orbital periods known for a Be star X-ray source. However, the X-ray luminosity is relatively modest whereas a high luminosity would be predicted if the system contains a neutron star accreting from the denser inner regions of a Be star envelope. Although a 392s pulse period was previously reported from EXOSAT observations, a reexamination of the EXOSAT light curves does not show this or any other periodicity. An analysis of archival RXTE Proportional Counter Array observations also fails to show any X-ray pulsations. We consider possible models that may explain the properties of this source including a neutron star with accretion halted at the magnetosphere and an accreting white dwarf.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Trends in Chondrichthyan Research: An Analysis of Three Decades of Conference Abstracts

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    Given the conservation status and ecological, cultural, and commercial importance of chondrichthyan fishes, it is valuable to evaluate the extent to which research attention is spread across taxa and geographic locations and to assess the degree to which scientific research is appropriately addressing the challenges they face. Here we review trends in research effort over three decades (1985–2016) through content analysis of every abstract (n = 2,701) presented at the annual conference of the American Elasmobranch Society (AES), the oldest and largest professional society focused on the scientific study and management of these fishes. The most common research areas of AES abstracts were reproductive biology, movement/telemetry, age and growth, population genetics, and diet/feeding ecology, with different areas of focus for different study species or families. The most commonly studied species were large and charismatic (e.g., White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias), easily accessible to long-term established field research programs (e.g., Lemon Shark, Negaprion brevirostris, and Sandbar Shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus), or easily kept in aquaria for lab-based research (e.g., Bonnethead Shark, Sphyrna tiburo). Nearly 90% of all described chondrichthyan species have never been mentioned in an AES abstract, including some of the most threatened species in the Americas. The proportion of female* first authors has increased over time, though many current female* Society members are graduate students. Nearly half of all research presented at AES occurred in the waters of the United States rather than in the waters of developing nations where there are more threatened species and few resources for research or management. Presentations based on research areas such as paleontology and aquarium-based research have declined in frequency over time, and identified research priorities such as social science and interdisciplinary research are poorly represented. Possible research gaps and future research priorities for the study of chondrichthyan fishes are also discussed

    Challenges of continuum robots in clinical context: a review

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    With the maturity of surgical robotic systems based on traditional rigid-link principles, the rate of progress slowed as limits of size and controllable degrees of freedom were reached. Continuum robots came with the potential to deliver a step change in the next generation of medical devices, by providing better access, safer interactions and making new procedures possible. Over the last few years, several continuum robotic systems have been launched commercially and have been increasingly adopted in hospitals. Despite the clear progress achieved, continuum robots still suffer from design complexity hindering their dexterity and scalability. Recent advances in actuation methods have looked to address this issue, offering alternatives to commonly employed approaches. Additionally, continuum structures introduce significant complexity in modelling, sensing, control and fabrication; topics which are of particular focus in the robotics community. It is, therefore, the aim of the presented work to highlight the pertinent areas of active research and to discuss the challenges to be addressed before the potential of continuum robots as medical devices may be fully realised

    Vertical imbalance in organic carbon budgets is indicative of a missing vertical transfer during a phytoplankton bloom near South Georgia (COMICS)

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    The biological carbon pump, driven principally by the surface production of sinking organic matter and its subsequent remineralization to carbon dioxide (CO2) in the deep ocean, maintains atmospheric CO2 concentrations around 200 ppm lower than they would be if the ocean were abiotic. One important driver of the magnitude of this effect is the depth to which organic matter sinks before it is remineralised, a parameter we have limited confidence in measuring given the difficulty involved in balancing sources and sinks in the ocean's interior. One solution to this imbalance might be a temporal offset in which organic carbon accumulates in the mesopelagic zone (100–1000 m depth) early in the productive season before it is consumed later. Here, we develop a novel accounting method to address non-steady state conditions by estimating fluxes of particulate organic matter into, and accumulation within, distinct vertical layers in the mesopelagic zone using high-resolution spatiotemporal vertical profiles. We apply this approach to a time series of measurements made during the declining phase of a large diatom bloom in a low-circulation region of the Southern Ocean downstream of South Georgia. Our data show that the major export event led to a significant accumulation of organic matter in the upper mesopelagic zone (100–200 m depth) which declined over the following weeks, implying that temporal offsets need to be considered when compiling budgets. However, even when accounting for this accumulation, a mismatch in the vertically resolved organic carbon budget remained, implying that there are likely widespread processes that we do not yet understand that redistribute material vertically within the mesopelagic zone

    Vertical imbalance in organic carbon budgets is indicative of a missing vertical transfer during a phytoplankton bloom near South Georgia (COMICS)

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    The biological carbon pump, driven principally by surface production and sinking of organic matter to deep water and its subsequent remineralization to CO2 maintains atmospheric CO2 around 200 ppm lower than it would be if the ocean were abiotic. One important driver of the magnitude of this effect is the depth to which organic matter sinks before it is remineralised, a parameter we have limited confidence in measuring given the difficulty involved in balancing sources and sinks in the ocean's interior. This imbalance is due, in part, to our inability to measure respiration directly and our reliance on radiotracer-based proxies. One solution to these problems might be a temporal offset in which organic carbon accumulates in the mesopelagic zone (100–1000 m depth) early in the productive season prior to it being consumed later, a situation which could lead to a net apparent sink occurring if a steady state assumption is applied as is often the approach. In this work, we develop a novel accounting method to address this issue, independent of respiration measurements, by estimating fluxes into and accumulation within distinct vertical layers in the mesopelagic. We apply this approach to a time series of measurements of particle sinking velocities and interior organic carbon concentrations made during the declining phase of a large diatom bloom in a low-circulation region of the Southern Ocean downstream of South Georgia. Our data show that the major export event led to a significant accumulation of organic matter in the upper mesopelagic (100–200 m depth) which declined over several weeks, implying that temporal offsets need to be considered when compiling budgets. However, even when accounting for this accumulation, a mismatch in the vertically resolved organic carbon budget remained, implying that there are likely widespread processes that we do not yet understand that redistribute material vertically in the mesopelagic


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    The use of animals as experimental organisms has been critical to the development of addiction research from the nineteenth century. They have been used as a means of generating reliable data regarding the processes of addiction that was not available from the study of human subjects. Their use, however, has been far from straightforward. Through focusing on the study of alcoholism, where the nonhuman animal proved a most reluctant collaborator, this paper will analyze the ways in which scientists attempted to deal with its determined sobriety and account for their consistent failure to replicate the volitional consumption of ethanol to the point of physical dependency. In doing so, we will see how the animal model not only served as a means of interrogating a complex pathology, but also came to embody competing definitions of alcoholism as a disease process, and alternative visions for the very structure and purpose of a research field

    A multimodal approach for tracing lateralization along the olfactory pathway in the honeybee through electrophysiological recordings, morpho-functional imaging, and behavioural studies

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    Recent studies have revealed asymmetries between the left and right sides of the brain in invertebrate species. Here we present a review of a series of recent studies from our labs, aimed at tracing asymmetries at different stages along the honeybee's (Apis mellifera) olfactory pathway. These include estimates of the number of sensilla present on the two antennae, obtained by scanning electron microscopy, as well as electroantennography recordings of the left and right antennal responses to odorants. We describe investigative studies of the antennal lobes, where multi-photon microscopy is used to search for possible morphological asymmetries between the two brain sides. Moreover, we report on recently published results obtained by two-photon calcium imaging for functional mapping of the antennal lobe aimed at comparing patterns of activity evoked by different odours. Finally, possible links to the results of behavioural tests, measuring asymmetries in single-sided olfactory memory recall, are discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure
